basic prototype
This ESP32 based minimalistic console uses sourrounding wifi signals as playground components. Amount of available networks, signal strength and ssid makes a pretty interesting view to our suburban world outdoors.
#include <Arduino.h> #include <btn.h> #include <trx_eeprom.h> #include <Adafruit_GFX.h> // Core graphics library #include <Adafruit_ST7735.h> #define LED_BUILTIN 22 Adafruit_ST7735 tft = Adafruit_ST7735(16, 17, 23, 5, 9); // CS,A0,SDA,SCK,RESET #include "WiFi.h" // ----------------------------- // ----------------------------- uint16_t color565(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b) { return ((r & 0xF8) << 8) | ((g & 0xFC) << 3) | ((b & 0xF8) >> 3); } #define RGB(r, g, b) (((r&0xF8)<<8)|((g&0xFC)<<3)|(b>>3)) #define GREY RGB(99,99,99) // ------------------------------- bool containsSubstring(String string, String substrings[], int numSubstrings) { for (int i = 0; i < numSubstrings; i++) { if (string.indexOf(substrings[i]) >= 0) { return true; } } return false; } String string = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"; String substrings[] = {"Vodafone", "FRITZ", "cat"}; int numSubstrings = 3; // ---------------------------------- int hi_count = 0; int mid_count = 0; int low_count = 0; int all_count = 0; uint16_t returnColorBySignalStrength(int _s){ uint16_t rcc = GREY; if(_s>=85){ rcc = GREY; low_count++;} if(_s<85 && _s>=65){ rcc = ST7735_ORANGE; mid_count++;} if(_s<65){ rcc = ST7735_GREEN; hi_count++;} return rcc; } class aNODE { public: char* ssid; int rssi; aNODE() { } }; char ssid_buffer_str[32]; // allocate a buffer for the input string //uint8_t* bitmap; // pointer to the bitmap array aBTN BTN1(35,true); aBTN BTN2(34,true); void stringToBitmap(const char* str, uint8_t* bitmap, size_t len) { for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { bitmap[i] = 0; } for (size_t i = 0; i < strlen(str); i++) { char c = str[i]; for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { if (c & (1 << j)) { bitmap[i * 8 + j] = 1; } } } } int return_score_calc(int _n){ int rv = 0; if(_n == 0){rv += 1000;} // when no wlan around - add 100 points! if(_n > 0 && _n <=5 ){rv += 500;} // if(_n > 5 && _n <=10 ){rv += 100;} // if( hi_count == 0 && mid_count == 0){ rv += 50;} // negative if( hi_count > 0 || mid_count > 0){ rv -= 100;} if( _n > 50 ){ rv -= 40;} rv -= _n; return rv; } // -------------------------------------- void update_base_data(int _n){ if(max_wlans < all_count ){ max_wlans = all_count; } Serial.println("-----------------"); Serial.println(main_score); int offset = return_score_calc( _n); main_score += offset; if(main_score<0){main_score=0;} Serial.print(" off: ");Serial.println(offset); Serial.print(" clculated score is: ---------------"); Serial.println(main_score); tft.setTextColor(ST7735_BLUE); tft.setCursor(60,120); tft.print("score:"); tft.println(main_score); tft.setCursor(1,122); tft.print("max:"); tft.println(max_wlans); //tft.fillRect( 58,68,40,8,ST7735_CYAN); tft.setCursor(50,77); tft.setTextSize(2); tft.setTextColor(ST7735_CYAN); tft.print(offset); delay(100); update_EPROM(); } // ----------------- void wifi_scanned(int n) { tft.fillScreen(ST7735_BLACK); int row = 0; int col = 0; int gscl = 2; hi_count = 0; mid_count = 0; low_count = 0; all_count = 0; if (n == 0) { Serial.println("no networks found"); } else { all_count = n; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { uint16_t cc = GREY; int ss = -int(WiFi.RSSI(i)); /* aNODE newNode = aNODE(); String cssid = WiFi.SSID(i); char* myChar = strdup(cssid.c_str()); // Convert the String to char* newNode.ssid = myChar; free(myChar); // free(cssid); newNode.rssi = ss; allNodes[i] = newNode; */ cc = returnColorBySignalStrength(ss); tft.fillRect((col)*gscl+4,(row)*gscl+4,1,1, cc ); if(col > 60){ col = 0; row++; }else{ col++; } } // ------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- tft.fillRect(0,22,40,18,ST7735_GREEN); tft.fillRect(42,22,40,18,ST7735_ORANGE); tft.fillRect(84,22,40,18,GREY); tft.setTextColor(ST7735_BLACK); tft.setCursor(2,24); tft.setTextSize(2); tft.print(hi_count); tft.setCursor(44,24); tft.print(mid_count); tft.setCursor(84,24); tft.print(low_count); // tft.setTextColor(ST7735_WHITE); tft.setTextSize(1); tft.setCursor(100,4); tft.print("="); tft.println(all_count); // ----------------------------------------------------------- tft.setCursor(0,42); tft.setTextSize(1); tft.setTextColor(ST7735_WHITE); tft.setTextWrap(false); int step = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (containsSubstring(WiFi.SSID(i), substrings, numSubstrings)) { //Serial.println("The string contains at least one of the substrings."); } else { // Serial.println("The string does not contain any of the substrings."); int ss = -int(WiFi.RSSI(i)); uint16_t _cc = returnColorBySignalStrength(ss); tft.setTextColor(_cc); tft.print( ss ); tft.print("-"); tft.println( WiFi.SSID(i)); step++; } } } // Serial.println(""); // Delete the scan result to free memory for code below. WiFi.scanDelete(); update_base_data(n); } // --------------------------------------------- void setup() { pinMode(27,OUTPUT);//Backlight:27 analogWrite(27,8);//New version added to backlight control tft.initR(INITR_18GREENTAB); // 1.44 v2.1 tft.fillScreen(ST7735_BLACK); // CLEAR pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT); init_EEPROM(); Serial.begin(9600); // Set WiFi to station mode and disconnect from an AP if it was previously connected. WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); WiFi.disconnect(); delay(100); Serial.println("Setup done"); } // ---------------------------------------------- void loop() { // put your main code here, to run repeatedly: BTN1.operateBUTTON(); BTN2.operateBUTTON(); if(BTN1.on_pressed){ reset_All(); return; } if(BTN2.on_pressed){ WiFi.scanNetworks(true); read_EEPROM(); } // print out Wi-Fi network scan result upon completion int n = WiFi.scanComplete(); if(n >= 0) { wifi_scanned(n); } if(n==-1){ tft.fillRect(30,0,60,16,ST7735_WHITE); tft.setCursor(50 + random(-2,2),4); tft.setTextColor(ST7735_BLUE); tft.println("SCAN"); tft.fillRect(random(0,128),random(0,128),2,2,ST7735_CYAN); } delay(4); }
int max_wlans = 1; int no_wlan_around_tick = 1; #include <EEPROM.h> int main_score = 0; #define EEPROM_SIZE 1024 // 0 - has data // 1 - max wlans // 2 - no_wlan_around_tick void writeIntToEEPROM(int address, int value) { byte highByte = highByte(value); byte lowByte = lowByte(value); EEPROM.write(address, highByte); EEPROM.write(address + 1, lowByte); EEPROM.commit(); } int readIntFromEEPROM(int address) { byte highByte =; byte lowByte = + 1); return (highByte << 8) + lowByte; } void read_EEPROM(){ //has_data =; main_score = readIntFromEEPROM(0); max_wlans = readIntFromEEPROM(1); // readIntFromEEPROM(1); // no_wlan_around_tick =; Serial.println ("read from eprom -----------"); Serial.print ("score"); Serial.println(main_score); } void init_EEPROM(){ EEPROM.begin(EEPROM_SIZE); read_EEPROM(); } void update_EPROM(){ Serial.println ("xxxxxxxxxxxxx WRITE TO PRO -----------"); Serial.print ("score"); Serial.println(main_score); //EEPROM.put(0, (int)main_score); //EEPROM.put(1, (int)max_wlans); writeIntToEEPROM(0,main_score); EEPROM.commit(); Serial.println (" ......... commited ........... "); //read_EEPROM(); } // --------------------------------- void reset_All(){ main_score = 0; max_wlans = 0; //EEPROM.writeInt(2, no_wlan_around_tick); update_EPROM(); read_EEPROM(); }
// ------------------------------- // TXY'S button helper class // -------------------------------- // serves you wonderful functionality right on the plate :) // is_pressed = momentary state of button // is_holded = momentary state if button is down for at least 1s // on_pressed = triggered once if button is down // on_pressed = triggered once if button is up // on_holded = triggered once if button is down for at least 1s class aBTN { private: int bpin; long ts = 0; bool previous_state = false; bool prev_is_holded = false; bool flipped_phase = false; public: bool is_pressed = false; bool is_holded = false; bool on_pressed = false; bool on_released = false; bool on_holded = false; aBTN(int bpin, bool _flipped_phase) { this->bpin = bpin; this->flipped_phase = _flipped_phase; init(); } void init() { pinMode(bpin, INPUT); } void operateBUTTON() { this->is_pressed = digitalRead(bpin); // flip phase if button phase is flipped if(this->flipped_phase){this->is_pressed = !this->is_pressed;} // reset press states this->on_pressed = false; this->on_released = false; // if there is any change of state :) if (this->previous_state != this->is_pressed) { if (this->is_pressed) { //button is pressed down ------- this->ts = millis(); // set timestamp this->on_pressed = true; } else { //button is released ------- this->on_released = true; this->is_holded = false; this->on_holded = false; this->prev_is_holded = false; } // buffer prev state to avoid repeat this->previous_state = this->is_pressed; } // reset on hold state first this->on_holded = false; // if button is holded for more than 1s and is still pressed! if (this->ts + 1000 < millis() && this->is_pressed ) { this->is_holded = true; // set is holded state each frame here if (this->prev_is_holded != this->is_holded && this->is_pressed ) { this->on_holded = true; this->prev_is_holded = this->is_holded; } } } };