
Processing creative coding basics

draw random points on canvas

Simple script to draw circles with random position on a white canvas with custom padding.

int padding = 40; // define padding size in pixel

///// basic setup /////
void setup(){

  size(600,600); // setup canvas
  background(255); // fill canvas with white color


///// continuous loop /////
void draw(){

  // get random x y coordinates on canvas with padding
  float rx = random(width-padding*2)+padding;
  float ry = random(height-padding*2)+padding;
  fill(0); // set fill color black
  noStroke(); // no outline
  ellipse(rx,ry,4,4); // draw ellipse


draw random lines on canvas

This script draws random lines on a white canvas with custom padding. The script uses two variables to buffer previous drawing position.

int padding = 40; // define padding size in pixel

// define position buffer variables
float px = 300;
float py = 300;

void setup(){
  size(600,600); // setup canvas
  background(255); // fill canvas with white color

void draw(){

  // get random x y coordinates on canvas with padding
  float rx = random(width-padding*2)+padding;
  float ry = random(height-padding*2)+padding;
  noFill();// no fill color
  stroke(0); // stroke color
  line( px,py,rx,ry ); // draw line from previous position to new random position 
  // save current random position in buffer variables
  px = rx;
  py = ry;

draw basic shapes, random position and rotation

This script draws three basic shapes, square, circle and triangle with random position and rotation to the canvas.

void setup(){
  size(600,600); // setup canvas

void draw(){
  background(255); // fill canvas with white color
  // draw circle at random position
  float crx = random(200)+200;
  float cry = random(200)+200;
  circle(crx, cry, 100 );
  // draw rect at random position
  float rrx = random(200)+200;
  float rry = random(200)+200;
  float rra = random(TWO_PI);
  translate(rrx, rry);
  rect(0,0, 200,200 );
   // draw triangle at random position
  float trirx = random(200)+200;
  float triry = random(200)+200;
  float tra = random(TWO_PI);
  translate(trirx, triry);
  -100, 100,
  0, -100,
  100, 100);

randomly drawing squares in a grid

This script draws squares randomly to the canvas, but placed in a fixed grid.

int grid_count = 60; // grid colum and row count

void setup(){
  size(600,600); // setup canvas
  background(255); // fill canvas with white color

void draw(){

  // split the canvas in grid sizes
  float xbit= width/grid_count;
  float ybit= height/grid_count;
  // get random x y coordinates on canvas in grid
  float rx = round(random(grid_count));
  float ry = round(random(grid_count));
  fill(0);// fill color black
  noStroke(); // stroke color
   // draw rectangle in grid position and size
      rx*xbit, // xpos
      ry*ybit, // ypos
      xbit, // width
      ybit  // height

randomly drawing squares in a grid, mirrored

This script draws squares randomly to the canvas, but placed in a fixed grid and mirrored along the vertical axis.

int grid_count = 30; // grid colum and row count

void setup(){
  size(600,600); // setup canvas
  background(255); // fill canvas with white color

void draw(){

  // split the canvas in grid sizes
  float xbit= width/grid_count;
  float ybit= height/grid_count;
  // get random x y coordinates on canvas in grid
  float rx = round(random(grid_count/2));
  float ry = round(random(grid_count));
  fill(0);// fill color black
  noStroke(); // stroke color
   // draw rectangle in grid position and size
      rx*xbit, // xpos
      ry*ybit, // ypos
      xbit, // width
      ybit  // height
   // draw X MIRRORED rectangle in grid position and size
      width-rx*xbit-xbit, // xpos
      ry*ybit, // ypos
      xbit, // width
      ybit  // height

reactive dot grid / mouse distance

This script uses row and column variables and for loops to draw a grid of circles. the radius of the circles are dynamically set by the distance of each circle to the current mouse position.

int grid_count = 30; // grid colum and row count

void setup(){
  size(600,600); // setup canvas


void draw(){
  background(255); // fill canvas with white color
  // split the canvas in grid sizes
  float xbit= width/grid_count;
  float ybit= height/grid_count;
   // go through each column
  for(int col=0;col<grid_count;col++){
    // go through each row
    for(int row=0;row<grid_count;row++){
        // calculate the position in the grid
        float cposx = col*xbit+xbit/2;
        float cposy = row*ybit+ybit/2;
        // calculate distance of mouse to circles position in grid 
        float c_dist = dist(mouseX,mouseY, cposx, cposy);
         // draw circle in grid with dynamic radius        
        circle(cposx, cposy,8 + c_dist*.04);

reactive rect grid / mouse distance / positional angle

This script uses row and column variables and for loops to draw a grid of rectangles. The dimensions and rotation of each rectangle are dynamically set by the distance and angle of each rectangle to the current mouse position.

int grid_count = 30; // grid colum and row count

void setup(){
  size(600,600); // setup canvas


void draw(){
  background(255); // fill canvas with white color
  // split the canvas in grid sizes
  float xbit= width/grid_count;
  float ybit= height/grid_count;
   // go through each column
  for(int col=0;col<grid_count;col++){
    // go through each row
    for(int row=0;row<grid_count;row++){
        // calculate the position in the grid
        float cposx = col*xbit+xbit/2;
        float cposy = row*ybit+ybit/2;
        // calculate distance of mouse to rects position in grid 
        float c_dist = dist(mouseX,mouseY, cposx, cposy);
        // Calculate the angle in radians from mouse and rects position
        float angle = atan2(mouseY - cposy, mouseX - cposx);
        translate(cposx, cposy);
         // draw circle in grid with dynamic radius        
        rect(0,0,4 + c_dist*.04,12);

mirrored line draw

// Initialize variables to hold modified mouse coordinates
float mx = 333;
float my = 333;

void setup() {
  // Set the size of the window to 600x600 pixels
  size(600, 600);
  // Set the background color to white

void draw() {
  // Smoothly interpolate mx and my towards the current mouse coordinates
  // lerp() is used to find a point between mx and mouseX, and my and mouseY respectively
  mx = lerp(mx, mouseX, 0.1);
  my = lerp(my, mouseY, 0.1);

  // Disable filling shapes, so only the outline is drawn
  // Set the stroke color to black with partial transparency
  stroke(0, 122);

  // Calculate an angle 'a' based on the y-coordinate and the elapsed time in milliseconds
  float a = sin(my * 0.004 + millis() * 0.0001) * TWO_PI;

  // Check if the mouse is pressed
  if (mousePressed) {
    // Draw on the right side

    // Save the current transformation matrix
    // Translate to the interpolated mouse coordinates
    translate(mx, my);
    // Rotate by the calculated angle 'a'
    // Draw two small circles and a line connecting them
    circle(1, 0, 2);
    circle(-41, 0, 2);
    line(0, 0, -40, 0);
    // Restore the previous transformation matrix

    // Draw on the left side

    // Save the current transformation matrix
    // Translate to the mirrored x-coordinate and original y-coordinate
    translate(width - mx, my);
    // Scale horizontally by -1 to mirror the drawing
    scale(-1, 1);
    // Rotate by the calculated angle 'a'
    // Draw two small circles and a line connecting them
    circle(1, 0, 2);
    circle(-41, 0, 2);
    line(0, 0, -40, 0);
    // Restore the previous transformation matrix

void mousePressed() {
  // Apply a blur filter to the entire canvas when the mouse is pressed
  filter(BLUR, 1);