
audio to image with Stable Diffusion and p5.js

rotational, voice controlled painting with mouse input

let mic;
let lpf;
let fft;

let my_pmouseY = 0;

let thresholdy = 40;

let brighty = 0;

let mouseXPrev = 0;
let mouseYPrev = 0;
let motionAngle = 0;
let ler = 0.1;

function setup() {
  createCanvas(768, 512);
  mic = new p5.AudioIn();
  lpf = new p5.LowPass();

  lpf.set(2400); // set the cutoff frequency of the filter
  fft = new p5.FFT();
  fft.setInput(mic); //the cutoff frequency of the filter
  background(53, 94, 111);

function draw() {
   for (let i = 0; i< 20; i++){
       let rx = random(width*3);
     let ry = random(height*3);
     fill(255, random( 52,11));
     rect(rx,ry,2,2 );
  let spectrum = fft.analyze(); // analyse the spectum
  fill(255, 0, 155);
  for (let i = 0; i< spectrum.length; i++){
    let mycolor = spectrum[i];
    let th = abs( my_pmouseY - mouseY );   
    let dir = my_pmouseY - mouseY;
      th *=-1;
    if(mycolor > thresholdy && mouseIsPressed){
       mycolor += random( -20,20 );

      fill( mycolor); // pick a drawing color
      // 0  - 255
      let from = color(37, 150, 190);
      let to = color(255, 24, 11);
      let mixed_col = lerpColor(
        (mycolor - thresholdy ) / (255-thresholdy)
      // x , y , w ,h
    //  rect( i*.13 + mouseX, mouseY,1,th ); // draw a rect
    //  rect(  -i*.13 + mouseX, mouseY,1,th ); // draw a rect
      //rect(width- (i*.13 + mouseX), mouseY,1,th ); // draw a rect
     // rect(width- ( -i*.13 + mouseX), mouseY,1,th ); // draw a rect
        // Draw the motion angle
        rect(i, 0, 1,th*2 );
  my_pmouseY = mouseY; //save the current pos a old one
      // Calculate the motion angle
        let dx = mouseX - mouseXPrev;
        let dy = mouseY - mouseYPrev;
        let targetAngle = 2*Math.PI - atan2(dy, dx);
        motionAngle = lerp(motionAngle, targetAngle, .03);


        // Save the current mouse position
        mouseXPrev = mouseX;
        mouseYPrev = mouseY;

function mouseReleased(){


advanced voice controlled painting with mouse input

raw output coming from fft analysis and moise movement

let mic, fft;
let lpf;
let tick = 0;
let bw = 512;

let running = false;

let centerOffX = 0;
let centerOffY = 0;

let pcenterOffX = 0;
let pcenterOffY = 0;

let buffer = [512];
let pbuffer = [512];

let psum = 0.0;
function setup() {
  createCanvas(768, 512,WEBGL);
   mic = new p5.AudioIn();
  lpf = new p5.LowPass();
 // mic.connect(lpf);
  lpf.set(12400); // set the cutoff frequency of the filter
  fft = new p5.FFT();
  fft.setInput(mic); //the cutoff frequency of the filter

let main_rot = 0;

function mousePressed(){
  centerOffX = mouseX-width;
  centerOffY = mouseY-height;
  // background(44);
   main_rot = int(random(-2,2))*.4;

function draw() {
    running = true;
     centerOffX = mouseX-width;
     centerOffY = mouseY-height;
    running = false;
 // rotateX(1.25);
   // rotate(main_rot);
   // analyze frequency data
     let spectrum = fft.analyze();
 let sum = 0.1;
    // loop through spectrum data
    for (let i = 0; i < spectrum.length; i++) {
      // calculate bar height based on amplitude of frequency
    //  let loga = 20 * Math.log10(spectrum[i]);
      let loga = 10 * Math.log2(spectrum[i]);
      sum += float(spectrum[i]);
       let shrink = 1- tick / (height*.5);
        loga *= psum*.01;
        let filli = (sin (loga*.24)+1)*122;
        filli += random(0,3);
       if(loga <10){ 
        filli = 0;
      fill( 255,filli*.6 );
       buffer[i] = filli;
      // draw in both directions mirored
      rect( i*.25,tick,1, 1);
      rect(-(i*.25) ,tick,1, 1);
      rect( i*.25,-tick,1, 1);
      rect(-(i*.25) ,-tick,1, 1);
       // draw in position mirrored
     // rect( i*.25,0,1, 1);
     // rect(-(i*.25) ,0,1, 1);
     sum /= float(spectrum.length);
    psum = sum;
    pcenterOffX =  centerOffX;
    pcenterOffY =  centerOffY;

function drawBuffer(){
  for (let i = 0; i < buffer.length; i++) {
     buffer[i] += random(-10,10);
     fill(  255, buffer[i]*.6 );
    let absy = abs(pcenterOffY -  centerOffY);
    if(pcenterOffY<centerOffY){ absy*=-1;}
    if(tick==0){ absy=1;}
      rect( i*.31,0,1,absy );
      rect(-((i)*.31) ,0,1,absy);
      //stroke(i*.25,0, i*.25+pcenterOffX,0+pcenterOffY);

interpretations through manual Stable Diffusion img2img

img2img using ControlNet 1.1 / Canny
img2img using ControlNet 1.1 / Canny
simple img2img

basic setup of fft analysis

let mic, fft;
let lpf;
let tick = 0;

let bw = 1024;

function setup() {
  createCanvas(1024, 512);

   mic = new p5.AudioIn();
  lpf = new p5.LowPass();
 // mic.connect(lpf);
  lpf.set(12400); // set the cutoff frequency of the filter
  fft = new p5.FFT();
  fft.setInput(mic); //the cutoff frequency of the filter

function draw() {

   // analyze frequency data
     let spectrum = fft.analyze();
   // let spectrum = fft.analyze(bw, "hann", bw);
     //let spectrum = fft.logAverages(30, 20, 20000);

    // set fill color for spectrum bars
    fill(255, 0, 0);

    // loop through spectrum data
    for (let i = 0; i < spectrum.length; i++) {
      // calculate bar height based on amplitude of frequency
    //  let loga = 20 * Math.log10(spectrum[i]);
      let loga = spectrum[i] = 10 * Math.log2(spectrum[i]);
      if(loga <10){ 
        loga = 0;
       let shrink = 1- tick / (height*.5);
        let filli = (sin (loga*.24)+1)*122;
        filli *= shrink;
        filli += random(0,3);
         fill( filli );
      // draw spectrum bar
      //rect(width/2+i,tick,1, 1);
      rect( i*.5,tick,1, 1);
      rect(-(i*.5) ,tick,1, 1);
       rect( i*.5,-tick,1, 1);
      rect(-(i*.5) ,-tick,1, 1);

