If you like to build a hustle free wireless, rechargable, BLE controller prototype based on ESP32, it is very helpful to focus on established development boards, that provide proper LIPO recharging chipsets. There is a wide, affordable palette of devices available – over here, we use the ESP32 WROOM setup, you can find in this devboard for textile projects VELLEMANN or a more reduced one by AZ Delivery ESP Lolin.
Also for convenient reasons, i prefer to use LIPO lithium rechargable battery packs – they come with a variety of capacity. I can recomment 100-500 mAh for this ESP32 project – you can go lower when using ESP8266 for sure.
We can use the ESP32 with its integrated Bluetooth to simulate any generic gamepad. With this, we have a pretty standard input device for a wide range of digital environments like Browser, Unity or Touchdesigner without further plugins or extensions. This approach works best with the pretty stable Bluetooth library for ESP32 by lemming – include the lib to your project: https://github.com/lemmingDev/ESP32-BLE-Gamepad
// include all necessary libs #include <Arduino.h> #include <BleGamepad.h> // initalize controller - et custom device name, manufacturer and initial battery level BleGamepad bleGamepad( "TURBOCONTROLLER v1" , "TURBOFLIP STUDIOS" , 99); void setup() { Serial.println( "try initalize gamepad" ); bleGamepad.begin(); Serial.begin(9600); delay(200); Serial.println( "gamepad initalized" ); } void loop() { // only operate when connected to host if (bleGamepad.isConnected()){ // ------------------------------------------ // simple test setup for axis and buttons // ------------------------------------------ // Set the duration of a sine wave to simulate axis movement const int waveDuration = 5000; const int sampleRate = 20; // Set the sample rate in milliseconds const int numSamples = waveDuration / sampleRate; const float frequency = 0.1; // Set the frequency of the sine wave // Calculate sine wave values for x and y axes float xValue = 0.5 * sin (2.0 * PI * frequency * millis() / 1000.0) + 0.5; float yValue = 0.5 * sin (2.0 * PI * frequency * millis() / 300.0) + 0.5; // overwrite when working with real analog data from custom input sticks //xValue = float(joy_x)*0.00024414062; //yValue = float(joy_y)*0.00024414062; // hardcoded calibration - when hardware sends uncalibrated data if (xValue > 0.49 && xValue < 0.51 ){xValue = 0.5;} if (yValue > 0.49 && yValue < 0.51 ){yValue = 0.5;} // Convert float values to int16_t (16-bit) int16_t xIntValue = static_cast < int16_t >(xValue * 32767); int16_t yIntValue = static_cast < int16_t >(yValue * 32767); // Set the axes values bleGamepad.setLeftThumb(xIntValue, yIntValue); // Calculate sine wave values for x and y axes float xValue2 = 0.5 * sin (2.0 * PI * frequency * millis() / 100.0) + 0.5; float yValue2 = 0.5 * sin (2.0 * PI * frequency * millis() / 400.0) + 0.5; // Convert float values to int16_t (16-bit) int16_t xIntValue2 = static_cast < int16_t >(xValue2 * 32767); int16_t yIntValue2 = static_cast < int16_t >(yValue2 * 32767); // Set the axes values bleGamepad.setRightThumb(xIntValue2, yIntValue2); } // set a delay to avoid possible data overflow delay(10); } |
advanced ESP3 controller
#include <Arduino.h> #include <BleGamepad.h> #include <trxy_btn.h> #define ACTLEDPIN 22 // Pin button is attached to int tick = 0; bool interaction = false ; unsigned long lastInteractionTime = 0; BleGamepad bleGamepad( "TURBOCONTROLLER v2" , "TURBOFLIP STUDIOS" , 99); // Set custom device name, manufacturer and initial battery level aBTN mainbtn(34, false , false ); aBTN shiftbtn(32, false , false ); aBTN btn3(26, true , true ); aBTN btn4(25, true , true ); // ------------------------------------- void enterDeepSleep() { esp_sleep_enable_ext0_wakeup(GPIO_NUM_25, LOW); // Wake up when BUTTON_1_PIN goes low esp_sleep_enable_ext0_wakeup(GPIO_NUM_26, LOW); // Wake up when BUTTON_2_PIN goes low esp_sleep_enable_ext0_wakeup(GPIO_NUM_32, LOW); // Wake up when BUTTON_3_PIN goes low esp_sleep_enable_ext0_wakeup(GPIO_NUM_34, LOW); // Wake up when BUTTON_4_PIN goes low esp_deep_sleep(300e6); // 300 seconds = 300e6 microseconds } // ------------------------------------- void setup() { pinMode(ACTLEDPIN, OUTPUT); BleGamepadConfiguration bleGamepadConfig; bleGamepadConfig.setAutoReport( false ); bleGamepad.begin(&bleGamepadConfig); delay(200); // Serial.println("initalize gampad"); } void blink(){ digitalWrite(ACTLEDPIN, HIGH); delay(20); digitalWrite(ACTLEDPIN, LOW); delay(20); digitalWrite(ACTLEDPIN, HIGH); delay(20); digitalWrite(ACTLEDPIN, LOW); } void loop() { if (bleGamepad.isConnected()){ // indicate connection to host digitalWrite(ACTLEDPIN, LOW); btn3.operateBUTTON(); btn4.operateBUTTON(); mainbtn.operateBUTTON(); shiftbtn.operateBUTTON(); // -------------------------------------------- // Track interaction if (btn3.on_released || btn4.on_released || mainbtn.on_released || shiftbtn.on_released) { lastInteractionTime = millis(); } // Check for inactivity unsigned long currentTime = millis(); if (currentTime - lastInteractionTime >= 300000) { // 300 seconds = 300,000 milliseconds // If no interaction for 300 seconds, enter deep sleep enterDeepSleep(); } // ------------------------------------------ if (btn4.on_released) { digitalWrite(ACTLEDPIN,LOW); bleGamepad.release(BUTTON_4); interaction = false ; bleGamepad.sendReport(); blink(); } if (btn4.on_pressed) { digitalWrite(ACTLEDPIN, HIGH ); bleGamepad.press(BUTTON_4); interaction = true ; bleGamepad.sendReport(); } // ------------------------------------------ if (btn3.on_released) { bleGamepad.release(BUTTON_3); bleGamepad.sendReport(); delay(10); } if (btn3.on_pressed) { bleGamepad.press(BUTTON_3); bleGamepad.sendReport(); delay(10); blink(); } // ------------------------------------------ if (shiftbtn.on_released) { bleGamepad.release(BUTTON_2); bleGamepad.sendReport(); digitalWrite(ACTLEDPIN,LOW); delay(10); } if (shiftbtn.on_pressed) { bleGamepad.press(BUTTON_2); bleGamepad.sendReport(); digitalWrite(ACTLEDPIN,HIGH); delay(10); } // ------------------------------------------ if (mainbtn.on_released) { // Serial.println("mainbtn OFF"); bleGamepad.release(BUTTON_1); bleGamepad.sendReport(); digitalWrite(ACTLEDPIN,LOW); interaction = false ; delay(10); } if (mainbtn.on_pressed) { // Serial.println("mainbtn"); bleGamepad.press(BUTTON_1); bleGamepad.sendReport(); digitalWrite(ACTLEDPIN, HIGH); interaction = true ; delay(10); } else { } tick++; if (tick > 60){ tick = 0; if ( !interaction){ digitalWrite(ACTLEDPIN, HIGH); delay(6); digitalWrite(ACTLEDPIN, LOW); } } } delay(10); return ; // // { // joy_x = analogRead(JOYSTICK_X_PIN) ; // joy_y = analogRead(JOYSTICK_Y_PIN) ; // Serial.println(joy_x); /* // Set the duration of the sine wave in milliseconds const int waveDuration = 5000; const int sampleRate = 20; // Set the sample rate in milliseconds const int numSamples = waveDuration / sampleRate; const float frequency = 0.1; // Set the frequency of the sine wave // Calculate sine wave values for x and y axes float xValue = 0.5 * sin(2.0 * PI * frequency * millis() / 1000.0) + 0.5; float yValue = 0.5 * sin(2.0 * PI * frequency * millis() / 300.0) + 0.5; xValue = float(joy_x)*0.00024414062; yValue = float(joy_y)*0.00024414062; // hardcoded calib if(xValue > 0.49 && xValue < 0.51 ){xValue = 0.5;} if(yValue > 0.49 && yValue < 0.51 ){yValue = 0.5;} // Convert float values to int16_t (16-bit) int16_t xIntValue = static_cast<int16_t>(xValue * 32767); int16_t yIntValue = static_cast<int16_t>(yValue * 32767); // Set the axes values bleGamepad.setLeftThumb(xIntValue, yIntValue); // Calculate sine wave values for x and y axes float xValue2 = 0.5 * sin(2.0 * PI * frequency * millis() / 100.0) + 0.5; float yValue2 = 0.5 * sin(2.0 * PI * frequency * millis() / 400.0) + 0.5; // Convert float values to int16_t (16-bit) int16_t xIntValue2 = static_cast<int16_t>(xValue2 * 32767); int16_t yIntValue2 = static_cast<int16_t>(yValue2 * 32767); // Set the axes values bleGamepad.setRightThumb(xIntValue2, yIntValue2); } else { digitalWrite(LEDPIN, LOW); } */ delay(10); } |
Simply put this helper class in your project to make button interaction more comfortable.
// ------------------------------- // TXY'S button helper class // -------------------------------- // serves you wonderful functionality right on the plate :) // is_pressed = momentary state of button // is_holded = momentary state if button is down for at least 1s // on_pressed = triggered once if button is down // on_pressed = triggered once if button is up // on_holded = triggered once if button is down for at least 1s class aBTN { private : int bpin; long ts = 0; bool previous_state = false ; bool prev_is_holded = false ; bool flipped_phase = false ; public : bool is_pressed = false ; bool is_holded = false ; bool on_pressed = false ; bool on_released = false ; bool on_holded = false ; bool need_pullup = false ; aBTN( int bpin, bool _flipped_phase, bool _pu) { this ->bpin = bpin; this ->flipped_phase = _flipped_phase; this ->need_pullup = _pu; init(); } void init() { if (!need_pullup){ pinMode(bpin, INPUT); } else { pinMode(bpin, INPUT_PULLUP); } } void operateBUTTON() { this ->is_pressed = digitalRead(bpin); // flip phase if button phase is flipped if ( this ->flipped_phase){ this ->is_pressed = ! this ->is_pressed;} // reset press states this ->on_pressed = false ; this ->on_released = false ; // if there is any change of state :) if ( this ->previous_state != this ->is_pressed) { if ( this ->is_pressed) { //button is pressed down ------- this ->ts = millis(); // set timestamp this ->on_pressed = true ; } else { //button is released ------- this ->on_released = true ; this ->is_holded = false ; this ->on_holded = false ; this ->prev_is_holded = false ; } // buffer prev state to avoid repeat this ->previous_state = this ->is_pressed; } // reset on hold state first this ->on_holded = false ; // if button is holded for more than 1s and is still pressed! if ( this ->ts + 1000 < millis() && this ->is_pressed ) { this ->is_holded = true ; // set is holded state each frame here if ( this ->prev_is_holded != this ->is_holded && this ->is_pressed ) { this ->on_holded = true ; this ->prev_is_holded = this ->is_holded; } } } }; |
quick testing
You can evaluate your gamepad functions with this simple browser based tool immediately: https://hardwaretester.com/gamepad – This can give you a clue if all data is send in the right format and boundaries.