
anni Albers basics

basic_triangle_grid with random rotation

int gc = 20; // Number of grid cells

void setup() {
  size(600, 600); // Set up the canvas size
  background(255); // Set the background color to white
  noStroke(); // Disable drawing the stroke (outline)
  makeTheAnni(); // Call the function to draw the initial pattern

void keyPressed() {
  // Check if the 'c' key is pressed
  if (key == 'c') {
    saveFrame("the_anni_####.png"); // Save the current frame as an image file
    println("SAVED! :)"); // Print confirmation message to the console

void mousePressed() {
  // Check if the left mouse button is pressed
  if (mouseButton == LEFT) {
    makeTheAnni(); // Call the function to create a new pattern
    println("VARIANTE"); // Print confirmation message to the console

void draw() {
  // The draw function is empty because we only need to update the canvas
  // when the mouse is pressed or a key is pressed.

void makeTheAnni() {
  background(255); // Reset the background to white

  float cell_size = width / float(gc); // Calculate the size of each grid cell

  // Loop through each cell in the grid
  for (int x = 0; x < gc; x++) {
    for (int y = 0; y < gc; y++) {
      float cx = x * cell_size; // Calculate the x-coordinate of the cell
      float cy = y * cell_size; // Calculate the y-coordinate of the cell

      // Save the current transformation matrix
      // Translate to the center of the cell
      translate(cx + cell_size * 0.5, cy + cell_size * 0.5);
      // Rotate the triangle by a random multiple of 90 degrees
      rotate(round(random(5)) * HALF_PI);
      // Draw a triangle in the cell
        -cell_size * 0.5, -cell_size * 0.5, // First vertex
        cell_size * 0.5, -cell_size * 0.5, // Second vertex
        -cell_size * 0.5, cell_size * 0.5  // Third vertex
      // Restore the previous transformation matrix

      // Fill the triangle with black color