
segment painting experiments with ControlNET/A1111

As a models are capable to detect objects and elements in images, this procedure can be used in reverse to create pictures bases on a contextual map. This map is a simple color coded drawing where each color pushes a specific context like person, wall, ceiling, water and so on. In combination with a proper prompt, this is a very exciting creative tool.

surreal hyper realistic oil painting of ( group of androgyn young inverted persons sitting full body with hoodies steet style and crochet veils all eyes closed sleeping resting : 1.2), concrete pathway to the sky rocky, ocean water, sky and clouds diffuse light, distorted lense, surrealism style, (unsaturated complementary bright pastel color palette:1.2), strong wind, dirt and particles in the air sharp brush strokes, sharp (male:1.5)
photo ,naked, sexy, ugly, distorted limbs, disfigured, naked, beard, (low quality, worst quality:1.4), easynegative, bad anatomy, bad hand, extra digits, extra fingers, twisted fingers, long body, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, username, censor, text, asian, animals, disfigured faces

segment based AI rendering


surreal hyper realistic painting of ( group of androgyn inverted old crochet blindfolded futurist person sitting peacefully resting full body with hoodies steet style all eyes closed sleeping : 1.45) on a concrete rocky cyberpunk pathway, ocean water in distance, ( overgrown wild plants and moss and desert flowers growing on the skin : 1.5 ), sky and clouds with faces diffuse light, distorted lense, surrealism style, (unsaturated complementary flat bright pastel color palette overexposed:1.3), strong wind, dirt and particles in the air detailed sharp dynamic brush strokes, (male:1.1), (industrial area with smoke in far distance : 0.7), waste and trash lying around, weightless

photo ,naked, sexy, ugly, distorted limbs, disfigured, naked, beard, (low quality, worst quality:1.4), easynegative, bad anatomy, bad hand, extra digits, extra fingers, twisted fingers, long body, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, username, censor, text, asian, animals, disfigured faces

segment based AI rendering