// ------------------------------ // -- HOW TO GET MIC + DETECT AMPLITUDE // ----------------------------- let mic; let smooth_vol = 0; function setup() { createCanvas(window.innerWidth,window.innerHeight); // Create an Audio input mic = new p5.AudioIn(); // start the Audio Input. mic.start(); noStroke(); colorMode(HSB,100,100,100,100); } function draw() { background( (sin(millis()*.0001)+1)*50,100,100,4 ); let vol = mic.getLevel(); smooth_vol = lerp(smooth_vol,vol,.08); let smooth_rad = smooth_vol*1000; for(let i=0;i<30;i++){ let a = random(TWO_PI); let smooth_radius = smooth_vol* 5154 + random(20); let x = sin(a)*smooth_radius + width/2; let y = cos(a)*smooth_radius + height/2; fill( random(255),100,100,81); ellipse( x,y, smooth_radius*.51,smooth_radius*.51 ); } }
// ------------------------------ // -- HOW TO LOAD AN MP3 + DETECT AMPLITUDE // ----------------------------- // create the variables we need let song, analyzer; function preload() { song = loadSound('tanke.mp3'); // load the sound from your space // name / url needs to be changed!!! } function setup() { createCanvas(400,400); song.loop(); // loop the sound // create a new Amplitude analyzer analyzer = new p5.Amplitude(); // Patch the input to an volume analyzer analyzer.setInput(song); } function draw() { background(255); // Get the average (root mean square) amplitude let rms = analyzer.getLevel(); fill(127); stroke(0); // Draw an ellipse with size based on volume ellipse(width / 2, height / 2, 10 + rms * 200, 10 + rms * 200); }
// ------------------------------ // -- HOW TO SIMPLY DRAW STUFF // ----------------------------- // this one is executed on startup function setup() { // initalize stage to full window width/height createCanvas( window.innerWidth , window.innerHeight ); // define color specturm > hue = 0-100 ::: sat 0 -100 colorMode( HSB , 100, 100, 100); // draw default background color! background( 50, 90,90 ); // set rect draw mode to center rectMode(CENTER); } // is the loop :) function draw() { // move the "brush" over the stage let x = sin( millis()*.0012 ) * 200 + width*.5; let y = cos( millis()*.002 ) * 160 + height*.5; let radius = ( cos( millis()*.0042 ) + 1 )*40; // shift the color continuously in the HSB color spec let colorshift = ( cos( millis()*.00123 ) + 1 )*100; fill ( color(colorshift*.5,90,90) ); // define stroke color stroke(0); // move the shape along a virtual cursor // with a matrix transformation push(); translate( x, y ); rotate ( millis()*.001 ) ; rect( 0, 0, radius*12, radius); pop(); }
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